Children With Cerebral Palsy

Children With Cerebral Palsy

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Children With Cerebral Palsy
  • Jack

    Introducing Jack, a resilient and joyful young boy who faces cerebral palsy, deafness, and other physical delays. He has been in care since the age of two. Despite his challenges, Jack's vibrant spirit shines through his radiant smile. He finds delight in watching the Disney movie, "Coco," which ...

  • Mario

    Meet Mario, a charming seven-year-old with a heart of gold and a bright future ahead. Despite facing the challenges of cerebral palsy, Mario's spirit is a source of calm and cheerfulness. He thrives on affection and praise, radiating happiness when he's showered with love.

    Mario's determination ...

  • Brock

    Brock, at nine years old, is a remarkable and resilient boy. He is a playful and sociable child, always open to connecting with others. Despite facing challenges such as cerebral palsy and hydrocephalus, Brock radiates positivity and warmth. While he may have difficulty with verbal communication,...

  • Natalie

    Natalie is a sweet six year old who has cerebral palsy, epilepsy, and some hearing loss. She has the most beautiful eyes and smile. We visited with her foster home and could tell right away that Natalie was receiving a lot of love and affection. Her foster mom has cared for her ever since she was...

  • Lela

    Meet incredible Lela! Walking with ease and conquering stairs independently, she's a true champion. Despite having CP, she's thriving (only needing a Botox shot in her leg every six months). Lela's independence also extends to self-care, showcasing her strength and determination.

    Lela's awesome...

  • Flint

    Flint is a sweet nine year old boy who has cerebral palsy and epilepsy. He likes music and watching tv. He is not shy. He likes interacting with others and has a beautiful smile. Flint has a beautiful light to share with others. He radiates joy and love. Please consider if this sweet boy is meant...

  • John

    Meet John, an endearing eight-year-old with a heart as sweet as can be. Despite facing challenges with cerebral palsy, John is deeply engaged with the world around him. Having been in his foster home since a tender age, he has blossomed into an eager and active young boy.

    John's determination i...

  • Jeremy

    Introducing Jeremy, a charming and resilient four-year-old with a heart full of sweetness. Despite facing challenges such as epilepsy and a vision impairment, Jeremy's spirit shines through. He has been a beloved member of his foster home for almost two years, where he has found excellent comfort...

  • Bailey

    Meet Bailey, a sweet and resilient ten-year-old girl with a heart as warm as her smile. Bailey embraces both physical and verbal contact, finding joy in toys that make noise and responding to the stimulating presence of caring adults. Despite facing medical challenges, Bailey's tenacious spirit i...

  • Marco

    Meet Marco, a remarkable 11-year-old boy with a captivating smile that lights up his entire face. Despite facing the challenges of cerebral palsy, Marco's resilient spirit is undeniable. For the past six years, Marco has resided in an institution. When we met him, it was as if he knew our visit w...

  • Lia

    Introducing Lia, a delightful girl whose beautiful smile brightens every moment. She finds joy in watching movies, listening to people, and listening to music. With her stunning brown hair, Lia radiates warmth and positivity.

    Despite facing challenges such as Cerebral Palsy and seizures, Lia's i...

  • Liam

    Liam shines with an inner light that radiates through his condition. Despite facing many health and physical challenges, his love for people and his remarkable ability to engage with the world around him stand out.

    His condition may limit certain aspects, but it doesn't diminish his charming per...

  • Frank

    Despite facing challenges with cerebral palsy and other health challenges, Frank is a handsome little boy who stands out with his unique style and charming appearance. While he may not enjoy being touched or interacting much, his individuality shines through with his cute hairy arms and stylish a...